Leon (Spain)

León is a city of 131,680 inhabitants and is the capital of the Province of León in the Autonomous Community of Castilla and León, in northwest Spain. The city is famous for its many historical buildings, including its Gothic cathedral and examples of Roman and medieval architecture.

The modal split in León was estimated in 2009in: 6% public transport; 29%private cars; 64% pedestrians; and less than 1% cyclists. Fortunately, it has been observed that the common trend on the use of the bicycle has increased meaningfully in the last years, since a public survey carried out in 2012, showed that 12.2%of the interviewed people declared to travelby bicycle, and this growth was caused by a decrease of the number of citizens travelling on foot and by public transport.

The local transport plans and strategies for sustainable transport in the city of León are defined in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan(SUMP). The Plan was developed and published by the City Council in September 2009 and aims to improve the modal split in order to make transportation compatible with economic growth, social cohesion and environmental protection.

The measures implemented in the last two years include: optimization of public transport (ITC-SICOMBUS, accessibility, real time informative panels,an application for mobile phones called ‘busKbus’ and energy efficiency); amelioration of walking and cycling infrastructures (public loan system, cycle lanes, bike-racks, etc.); transport planning; use and promotion of cleaner vehicles and alternative fuels(hybrid, electric and autogas vehicles); reassignment of urban spaces; introduction of areas with limited or restricted access; traffic calming measures(10 k/h and 30 Km/h speed zones); road security; use of information systems and intelligent transport management; mobility management (specific Mobility Plans for the City Hall and a public School); awareness campaigns; and participation in European projects.

During the planning of the SUMP, the city of León worked in cooperation with the Directorate General for Energy and Mines of Castilla and León; the Ministry of Development of the Government of Spain; the León City Bus operator (ALESA); and other institutions and public companies. Summaryfinalised: November 2013.

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